Detergents, Protectives Anti Oxidizer


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Detergents, Protectives Anti Oxidizer There are 2 products.


  • Detergents,...

    The temporary corrosion may be necessary to meet certain needs. The degree of protection is achieved depends on the type of protective film and its thickness. Before choosing the products, you must consider the following conditions: • The nature of the article to be protected, its size and materials used. • The state of the surface. • The mode of application. • The desired drying time for solvent based products. • Support for further processing. • Duration of protection desired. • Adverse conditions against which the articles are to be protected. • Compatibility with other process materials such as motor oil and paints. • Possibility of secondary protection, such as a back pack or envelope. • In case of a subsequent transport, route and destination.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items